cx16 performing at the 2017 Source Festival NYC
I will be performing a Tidal set with cx16 at the 2017 Source Festival in NYC.
YYYY premieres at EMPAC
I am premiering a new interactive work titled YYYY at the Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center in Troy, NY.
Parallel exhibited at Rye Arts Center
Parallel will be exhibited at the Rye Arts Center in Rye, NY from April 22 – June 24 as part of the exhibition Making their Mark: An Exhibit of Works by Makers.
cx16 performing live coding set at Bennington College
I will be performing a live coding set with cx16 at Bennington College in Bennington, Vermont on April 4, 2017.
cx16 performing live coding set for "WeAreFive" Algorave 5th Birthday Live Stream
cx16 will be performing a live coding set on the official Algorave 5th Birthday “WeAreFive” live stream on March 17, 2017.
Parallel at NSEME 2017
Parallel will be exhibited March 10–11 at the 2017 National Student Electro-Acoustic Music Event, hosted by Lousiana State University Baton Rouge.
cx16 performing a live coding set at Bard College
I will be performing a Tidal set with cx16 at the Bard College Music Building in Anandale-on-Hudson, NY on 2/28/2017.
Algorithmic Menagerie in Shanghai
Algorithmic Menagerie will show on December 15, 2016 as part of the International Creative Cities Design Innovation Forum, “The Driving Forces for Design & Innovation” in Shanghai, China.
The event is sponsored by the UNESCO Creative Cities Network member Shanghai City of Design, Shanghai International Creative City Think Tank, and the Harvard Business Review. The event is also supported by MANA.
TVCoG Algorave 0x02
I will be performing a Tidal set with cx16 at the Tech Valley Center of Gravity makerspace in Troy, NY for Algorave 0x02.
Tenor 2016, Cambridge, UK
I will be presenting a paper titled “Autonomy, Control, and Notation in Interactive Music” in May at the upcoming 2016 Tenor Conference: The International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation.
TVCoG Algorave 0x0F
I will be performing a Tidal set with Jeremy Stewart at Algorave 0x0F, the second algorave hosted by Troy’s Tech Valley Center of Gravity. The event will occur on April 29, 7:30-9:30 PM.
NYx Hackathon: Sound Programming for Interactive Applications
I will be giving a workshop/participatory talk about SuperCollider and Open Sound Control at the NYx Hackathon, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY on April 16, 2016;
Checkout the resources here
Field Cuts Encounter 6 Premiere
Field Cuts Encounter 6, a collaboration with Jeremy Stewart, will premiere at EMPAC in Troy, NY on March 10.
Tech Valley Livecoding Set
I will be performing a livecoding set at 8PM tonight at Troy’s makerspace, Tech Valley Center of Gravity, as part of the first ever Troy based Livecoding meetup.
Big Transition
So, even though the new site has been live on kmichaelfox.github.io for a few weeks now, I finally switched the domain records.
So, it’s official. Swapped one minimal website for another.
Migration in progress
I’ve finally gotten around to addressing my website. This is mostly because I got tired of seeing how many bots were visiting my site just to try to crack WordPress security. So, out with WP and in with the Jekyll version.
I used to love playing around with Ruby but found Rails to be a bit of a chore, so it is nice to have Jekyll as an excuse to occasionally play around with Ruby again.
It is my intention to also update this space a bit more often than I did on the WP version. We’ll see how well I can stick to that promise…
Algorithmic Menagerie exhibited in Xi'an China
Algorithmic Menagerie is opening today as part of a 3 month exhibition called “Dark Matters” at the Banpo International Art Zone in Xi’an, China.
Creators Project China writes about Algorithmic Menagerie
Vice news and the Creators Project joined the artists for the opening at A4 gallery. They were so kind as write up an article on the show.
Algorithmic Menagerie at A4 Contemporary Arts Center, Chengdu
Algorithmic Menagerie opens today as part of the exhibition Absolute Infinite Game at the A4 Contemporary Arts Center in Chengdu, China. It will be showing until September 20, 2015.
Accretion performed at EMPAC
A revised version of Accretion was performed tonight at EMPAC by the Rensselaer Orchestra, directed by Nicholas Demaison.
opera1 at Williams College
opera1 was performed for the second time tonight by the percussion studio of Matthew Gold at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts.
opera1 at EMPAC
opera1 debuted tonight at EMPAC in Troy, NY. The piece was performed by the percussion studio of Matthew Gold from Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts.
Parallel on Killscreen Daily
Killscreen Daily talked about Parallel in their article about algorithmic, generative, and procedural music in videogames.
Parallel Premiere
Parallel will premiere at EMPAC in Troy, NY on March 5-7. Bring your iOS device to participate in the networking component of the piece.
Accretion premieres at EMPAC
Accretion (for orchestra) premiered tonight at EMPAC in Troy, NY. The piece was performed by the Rensselaer Orchestra, directed by Nicholas Demaison.
Algorithmic Menagerie in Creators Project (US)
The Creators Project has posted an article talking about Algorithmic Menagerie, as well as some of Raven’s other recent work.
Algorithmic Menagerie Premiere
The documentation for the premiere of Algorithmic Menagerie is now online at vimeo.
Fall 2013 Rensselaer Orchestra Concert
The Rensselaer Orchestra is performing tonight at the Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center in Troy, NY. The program includes the piece “Interdependence”, the third movement of Pauline Oliveros’ Four Meditations for Orchestra, which will be featuring live electronics designed by myself.
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